Mission celebrates bronze award

Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center celebrated a major achievement for the assisted living facility, hosting a public open house Saturday.

CRRC recently applied for and received the bronze level National Quality Award from the American Health Care Association. Gary Kelso, CEO and President of Mission Health, said the award is a commitment to continued improvement. Care facilities applying for the bronze-level award are given three years to apply for the silver, then another three years to apply for the gold-level award. Each award level requires higher performance from the organization applying, making the organization continue its improvements. Kelso said only 400 organizations are awarded the bronze award out of all the care facilities applying for it.

"It's a distinction that very few are capable of applying for," Kelso said.

Amongst the improvements Mission intends to make to care delivered at CRRC, one of the biggest is Mission's work at becoming an Eden Alternative-recognized care provider. Kelso said the Eden Alternative is a means of giving more say to residents at assisted care facilities regarding their care and schedules. Eden Alternative only recognizes approximately 200 facilities world-wide, but many are working on receiving certification.

"It's a very long journey we take," Kelso said.

Bobbi Jo Drozd, executive director of CRRC, said one of the more immediate changes Eden Alternative will have on the rehabilitation center is the removal of what she defined as institutional items. Some of the Eden Alternative's goals are to help eliminate feelings of boredom, helplessness and loneliness many care facility residents feel, as well as lessening the importance of top-down authority on those living in care facilities.

While CRRC is working on a number of improvements to its care and facility, some former residents have become volunteers as a result of the care they received. One volunteer helping the facility during its celebration Saturday was Sharon Patterson, a Green River resident helping sell raffle tickets to support Missions annual fishing trip to the Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Patterson was originally a resident at CRRC, on and off, for about eight months. After being discharged June 16, Patterson decided she wanted to volunteer and help out where she could. She often helps plant flowers or paint at CRRC.

"It makes you feel good to help out," she said.


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