Councilman seeks 2nd term

Brett Stokes is seeking a second term on the Green River City Council in Ward III.

Stokes has served one term with the council and hopes to be able to continue his work for another four years.

“I’ve been involved in politics for most of my career. Politics intrigues me and I wanted to get involved in local government and try to make a difference,” Stokes said.

Stokes has spent 26 years in law enforcement, working with the Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office and currently as the captain of the Sweetwater County Detention Center. As captain, he has to possess leadership in order to command his staff and he is also responsible for the detention center’s annual budget. He believes leadership is a much-needed skill in order to serve on the council.

While serving in the council, Stokes has done work with the Sixth Penny Tax Joint Powers Board, the Sweetwater County District Board of Health and the Airport Advisory Committee, and he is also a co-chair for the Sweetwater County Drug Court Foundation.

Stokes particularly enjoys being the chairman of the County Tripartite Board.

“It consists of several different people in the community and we give out grants. It’s a fun board to be a part of,” Stokes said.

Stokes is proud of the accomplishments the council has achieved together in the last four years, one of those accomplishments including the building and completion of the new police department. He wants the opportunity to follow through with other projects the sitting council has started.

“There is a lot of money being spent on the waste water plant and I think there are a lot of questions that need to be asked, and I think I know these questions,” Stokes said. He wants to see the waste water treatment plant as well as the solid waste transfer station be successfully completed.

Stokes is also proud of the way the council has handled the tough budget decisions the city has been facing, and he believes experience is needed in the council right now in order to continue to present balanced budgets in years to come.

“With the economic downfall, I think we need experience on the council,” he said. “The council that sits right now works well together. We’ve been balancing budgets and haven’t had to lay people off. I’d like to continue that.”

Stokes believes his leadership skills and efficiency, as well as his understanding of the community’s needs and the city employees’ needs are very important qualities to have as a councilman. He is certain his capabilities will continue to help Green River reach a better future.

“I am confident our city is headed in the right direction and I hope to continue to be a part of that momentum. We need ongoing effective leadership and I believe the accomplishments we have made prove my abilities to get the job done,” Stokes said. “It would be a privilege for me to continue serving on the city council.”


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