Parks and recreation offers many programs

The Green River Parks and Recreation Department has plenty of activities to offer residents throughout the summer.

The Chalk it Up! Sidewalk Chalk Arts Competition will be Friday. Registration is now open and all participants must be registered by 9 p.m. on Thursday.

Awards for the “Most Artistic”, “Most Original” and “Most Creative” are given in each age division.

Little Howler Youth Flag Football League will be starting August 22 and will last through September 29. Registration for coaches, assistant coaches and their kids will be July 5 through July 17. Registration for participants will be July 18 through Aug. 1, although registration for coaches will still be available at this time.

The age divisions are kindergarten and first grade and also second and third grade.

Registration for the final session of summer swim lessons at the Green River Recreation Center opened last Friday. The session will start Aug. 1 and will last through Aug. 11. All levels of swimmers can register.

“We waited until Friday to open registration because we didn’t know if we would have the funding for it,” Recreational Supervisor Sherry Schumacher said. The Rec reation Mill provided the funds for this session.

The Recreation Center also features special pool activities throughout each week including Float Time, Space Mountain Time and Wibit, which features a challenge course.

There are Gymnastics Camps at the Expedition Island Pavilion. The next workshop is from July 11 to July 14. The registration deadline is July 8.

The final workshop of the summer is from Aug. 8 to Aug. 11. The registration deadline is Aug. 5.

The Parks and Recreation Department also teamed up with the Rock Springs Parks and Recreation Department to provide the two communities with the Summer Run Series. Green River will be hosting two more theme walk/runs for the summer. July 18 will be the Twinkie Trot, starting at Collier Park. and Aug. 1 will be the Watermelon Walk, which will start at Expedition Island.

There is a 5K option as well as a one mile option for each run. Check in is at 6 p.m. and the runs begin at 6:30 p.m.

Daily fitness classes are also available at the Recreation Center included with all monthly and annual passes. The fitness classes range from water aerobics to spinning to Zumba.

Summer Day Camp is also going on. It takes place Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Each week’s activity is different from the last. The last week of Summer Day Camp is Aug. 1 to Aug. 5.

Kids can be enrolled one day at a time or weekly.


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