Children discover the way of the pirates

Last week, 10 lucky children had the chance to see what life was like as a pirate.

During the Adventures in Neverland, a Green River-based Sweetwater County Board of Cooperative Educational Services summer class, students discovered what the pirate life was truly like.

Children, ages four to eight, not only learned how to be a pirate, but about creatures of the sea, fairies and anything else exciting about Neverland.

Children were encouraged to wear pirate attire during the weeklong class.

The captain, Crystal Walker, was also the teacher for the class. During the week, she had the children participate in numerous activities. On Thursday, the kids made liquid gold, colored and glued together pirate ships and searched for buried treasure.

"Guess what washed on the shore last night?" Walker asked the class.

She held up a bottle and all the children yelled "A message in a bottle."

"If we're going to look for treasure, we have to work as a team," Walker said.

The children looked at the map and then read the instructions.

They had to crawl through a tunnel to find the next instruction, hop over hula hoops, walk the plank backwards and participate in a cannon ball water balloon fight.

"If you're going to play, you have to understand you are going to get wet," Walker said.

A couple of children decided not to participate in the cannon ball water balloon fight because is was sprinkling outside.

Future pirate Emma Johnson said she enjoyed the crafts Walker had them make each day.

"My favorite part was making the slime," Johnson said.

She also enjoyed making a pixie dust charm, which she was wearing around her neck Thursday.

"It makes me fly," she explained. "When I fell off of the plank, I flew back up."

After the water balloon fight, the children made their way back in the room to finish the treasure hunt. When they found the treasure chest it was filled with Oreo cookies that were made to look like gold coins and a treat bag to bring home with them.

"It's a kid's birthday that lasts a whole week basically," Walker said.

Walker has children of her own and asks them what activities they would like to do. A lot of her ideas come from them. "It lets me get my creative juices going," Walker said.


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