Delicious and easy JELLO fruit salad

I've helped my mom cook for years, mainly acting as her sous-chef.

One of my first memories of helping my mom in the kitchen is when we made our very first batch of JELLO fruit salad. A coworker gave her the recipe and my mom adjusted it to her liking. We made it the night before Thanksgiving, just before bed.

We received several complements from our family the next day and since then, we've made it every Thanksgiving and Christmas. Over the years, I started making it on my own and it has become my contribution to holiday dinners.

Now, after three years of living on my own in Laramie while attending college, I've become pretty appreciative that it is one of my only responsibilities for holiday dinners because it is so easy to make, and I've learned I like easy.

I'm the scattered kind of chef who doesn't follow recipes well and I often get sidetracked and forget that I'm in the process of cooking something.

Also, I am constantly forgetting simple cooking procedures like how to boil an egg. I have had to text my mom more than once to ask if the eggs go in before or after the water is boiled. For some reason, I can never remember.

That is why I love this fruit salad. Not only is it delicious, but it is so simple to make. I can forget I put JELLO in the fridge for hours and it is still just fine. It is definitely worth a try no matter the skill level of the chef.

Note that any fruit can be used in this and in any amount you want, but this is the combination I like best. I used to put apples in it but my family and I like it better without.

JELLO Fruit Salad


1 6 oz. box of strawberry JELLO

1 12 oz. tub of frozen sliced strawberries-thawed (they will need half a day to a full day to thaw in the fridge)

1-2 bananas (I usually use one and a half)

1-1.5 cup of grapes-sliced in half

1 8 oz. container of Cool Whip


Boil at least one cup of water. Pour the JELLO powder into a medium to large sized bowl. Measure out one cup of the boiled water into the powder and mix well until dissolved. Then add one cup of cold water and stir together. Cover the JELLO and put it into the fridge for about an hour.

After the JELLO is set up and firm, take it out of the fridge and add the tub of strawberries, juice and all. Cut the bananas in half lengthwise and then cut it horizontally into small sections. Add it to the JELLO. Next, cut the grapes in half and add them to the JELLO. Stir together.

Next, add the entire container of Cool Whip and stir until mixed well.

Set it in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.


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