FFA students attend 1st banquet

The Green River High School Future Farmers of America members hosted its first banquet and awards ceremony to cap off its first season.

McKena Wallentine, GRHS agriculture teacher and FFA advisor, said they took this opportunity to recognize their sponsors and volunteers. They also recognized students who excelled in the agriculture class or competed on a Career Development Event Team.

"CDEs build on what students learn in their agricultural-education classes and FFA," Wallentine said. "They allow students to practice making decisions and experience both teamwork and competition. CDEs provide opportunities to develop skills today that they can use in their future careers."

Three students competed in the Wyoming FFA Agriscience Fair. Alex Davis took third in state in Plant Systems II Category, while Mckenzee Allison and Kaylyne Gomez won state in Plant Systems IV category.

The FFA members also competed in the leadership events at the district and regionals.

Katy Robinson and Socorra Smith competed at districts in the Creed Speaking Contest. Socorra won and moved on to compete at regionals and did very well, but did not advance to state. Haley Lauze competed at districts in prepared public speaking where she won and advanced to regionals. Lauze won at regionals and got to compete at state against the top 10 public speakers.

The team also competed in horse evaluation, livestock evaluation, environmental and natural resources, agricultural sales, agricultural mechanics and meats evaluation at state.

"The FFA members were very excited to be a part of something new and to have accomplished so much in just one year of existence," Wallentine said.

Prior to the competitions, the students set up practices to prepare. She said students who are enrolled in the agricultural-education class are members of the FFA. They can choose whether or not to get involved in the group.

"We had a total of 106 members enrolled in classes this year; and I would say that we had about 30 dedicated and active students to the program this year, which is not bad for it's first year," she said.


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