Where did the school year go?

The school year is almost over already; and I can hardly believe it.

With only a couple of weeks left, my boy’s schedules are packed.

John, my four-year-old going on 18, will have his last day of preschool Thursday, while Matthew, my six-year-old kindergartener will have his last day June 2.

Where did the year go?

It seems like yesterday I was literally chasing the bus down the street to make sure he got off of it; and now he will be attending his kindergarten graduation.

With picnics, class programs and a graduation to attend, these next couple of weeks will surely be busy.

I can’t believe how far both of my sons have progressed over this year, especially my oldest. He struggled most of the year in school and I cried many times over it. I saw one of my sisters struggle her entire time in school and I refused to watch my son do the same. With a great teacher and school team, we worked together to help my son find his groove.

Matthew and I set to work at home too. I made flash cards for everything he needed to work on and we worked on them nightly. Once I felt he was succeeding on the reading portion, we moved on to math. His teacher sent home classroom games the students were no longer using so we could play them at home. After talking with his teacher at the last parent/teacher conference, I finally felt he was going to be OK. I just felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders, but I know the work must continue.

Yes, he might have to work harder than other kids his age to accomplish the same task, but it will make it all the more rewarding and special.

Our hard work paid off; and my son is doing better in class. His teacher said it was almost like a light switch turned on; and he just got it.

I pointed out to him that all of his hard work in paying off and he got the biggest smile. He was so proud. I can’t believe he is already reading on his own. He never stops impressing me with how much he has learned in one short school year.

I have full intentions of working with him on these things in the summer so he doesn’t fall behind in the fall, but saying and doing things are two separate ideas all together.

As for my youngest, he took to preschool easily. He is very verbal and I never have to worry about what he is thinking or feeling, which isn’t always a good thing.

He to has learned a lot his first year. He can sing the entire alphabet by himself, count to 13 and recognize and spell his name out loud. He is starting to learn how to write and wants to know everything his older brother does. He loves to do what we call at home “projects,” such as painting, coloring and crafts.

My boys weren’t the only ones who learned a lot this past school year, I did too. I became more aware of just how fast they are growing up and how important it is for me to spend as much time as I can with them while they are young. I need to cherish those moments when they are not embarrassed to hug and kiss me in public, because I know all to well those days may just come to an end one day.

That’s why with the school year coming to an end, I am excited to have my boys with me more this summer.

I can’t wait for all of the adventures we are going to have; and the lasting memories we are going to create.


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