Candidate filing period begins

The candidate filing period for local offices started Thursday and a few people have already stepped up to run for county and city council seats.

At the county level, two county commissioner seats will be up for election this year. So far, two people have registered to run for those seats. Green River City Councilman Mark Peterson has filed to run as a Democrat, while current commissioner Don Van Matre has also filed, running as a Republican.

In Green River, Richard Baxter is currently the only person running for the Ward I Council Seat. In Ward III, a race has already developed between Robert Berg and current Councilman Brett Stokes for the seat. Three Council seats, one in each ward, will be up for election this year.

Residents still have until May 27 to decide and file as candidates for elected office. Those interested in running for Green River City Council can file at City Hall, while those interested in the Sweetwater County Commissioners seats can file at the county courthouse.

Residents interested in filing for the Wyoming Legislature can do so through the Wyoming Secretary of State Office in Cheyenne, or through the office’s website


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