We are creatures of warmth

The warm sun permeates the air, trees sprout the beginning of green buds and light pink blossoms.

Like hibernating bears waking from our winter slumber, we emerge from our homes and look out onto our porch. Feeling the inviting sun on our skin, we take a step further. We take a cup of coffee in our hands and decide to spend some time enjoying the fresh air.

I love springtime. The warming temperature melts away not only the winter’s chill in the air, but the chill in our hearts and souls as well. Sitting on the porch, soaking in the morning light with a cup of coffee is one of my favorite past times on a warm lazy day.

When we were standing on the porch the other morning, we noticed the neighbors around us slowly appear out of their houses as well. A lady across the way peered out her door, then stepped out and joined her two dogs on her porch, also with mug in hand. To the side, there were echoes of children’s voices gallivanting across their backyard.

The sun comes out, the temperature warms and humans come out to play.

We are creatures of light. Like reptiles, we seek warmth to heat our bodies. It warms our souls as well. Springtime rejuvenates us, livens us up again and reminds us that we’re awake. It’s time to get going, make some iced tea and do something productive.

It’s been fun noticing everybody in sight spending more time outside again lately, going places, barbecuing, working in the garage with the door up, getting active again.

Recently, I saw a truck drive past the newspaper office hauling a motor-boat behind.

A friend of mine recalls seeing a spectacle of springtime in a big city; parks just filled with people laying on the grass, basking in the sun like reptiles. They would appear at first sight of the sunny spring days.

Another warm-weather activity I enjoy is simply eating outside. Last week, my mom and I ate our lunch together on the back porch. My shih tzu Piper was basking in the sun as well.

The sun was warm. It was the first lunch outside of the season, the first of many to come.

An easy way to enjoy springtime anywhere of course, is to simply do everything you do normally, outside. Eat outside, read outside, play a game outside, work outside, garden, go for a walk around the block or up the hill into the sagebrush.

Go on an adventure. The area surrounding Green River is perfect for an impromptu drive or hike in the country; with necessary provisions like water of course, just in case.

I plan on going on many adventures this spring and summer. I plan to fully enjoy the spring season of Wyoming; you do the same.


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