Lady Wolves take hard loss in Rock Springs

The first five minutes were good, until Rock Springs made their first goal.

Four goals later, the game would end with Green River being shut out at Tigers Stadium.

"As soon as they scored on us, we got put on our heels and just couldn't' recover," head coach Tracy Wyant said. "It's not the game I was expecting, that was for sure."

Rock Springs played a different game than Green River is used to seeing them play. The tigers' top scorers made some over-the-top kicks into the goal that made for a difficult time defending against.

"It's hard to defend against that," Wyant said. "They had so many runs on us. We had some difficulty in our defense in that game."

Wyant said Green River just didn't bring their game that day; it was an off-game. The girls gave the opposing players too much space, leaving the other team's top scorer open to make shots.

Rock Springs made some corner kicks into the goal that day, which Wyant said could've been defended against.

"Corner kicks were our fault completely," Wyant said. "Corners were on us; we wouldn't have gotten scored on if we had better defense on the corners."

The girls were scored on because they didn't mark players, didn't push out, and left the top scorer open, all things that should not happen, Wyant said.

"We lost the game defensively. We did not show up that day, no other excuse, we ended up with a loss," Wyant said. "I know we did not play Green River ball. I know we can do better than what we did."

Wyant said if they had played the soccer she knows her girls are capable of playing, they wouldn't have lost to Rock Springs; they just had a hard time recovering.

She told the team to take accountability for the loss, deal with it, learn from it and get over it.

"You can't let a loss consume you," she said. "It's mental toughness; you cannot move forward if you are still dwelling on the past."

The game is done, now onto preparing for the next. Wyant said they will address the aspects of their game that need to be fixed in this week's practices, looking forward to this week's upcoming games. The wolves have two away games this week; Evanston is Thursday and Riverton on Saturday.

"It's conference; You don't win every single game," Wyant said. "How you handle it shows the character in the team."

The team's ultimate goal is to make it to first or second place in the regional tournament coming up at the end of the month, and onto State.

"Hopefully the work we put into it will show come regional and state," Wyant said.


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