Mr. Smith seeks a seat in Washington

Amongst the large number of Republican candidates seeking Wyoming’s sole U.S. House of Representatives seat in Washington, D.C., Darin Smith thinks he’s the most qualified.

Smith believes his life experience has given him the edge on other candidates vying for the position. Holding both a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Wyoming and a graduate from the university’s law school, he built up and sold an investment company before starting his current career with the Christian Broadcasting Network. Through his work with the CBN, Smith has traveled throughout the world, helping conduct humanitarian service projects and managing a team of 15 people.

A Rock Springs native and current resident of Cheyenne, Smith has a number of common conservative platforms on his campaign, including repealing Obamacare, limiting federal outreach, enforced immigration laws and defense of the Second Amendment.

Beyond those, Smith also supports a number of platforms common to the religious right, such as protecting traditional family values and religious liberties.

While speaking to a small group at the Fish Bowl Wednesday night, Smith said the government should cut back spending in every area except for defense, which he believes should increase in order to help combat ISIS.

Smith is concerned about the Islamic group, as well as influence from Saudi Arabia and what he refers to as “big mosque” money he claims is used to expand Islam and its Sharia Law. Smith also believes the United States should take a more active role in combating ISIS.

Domestically, Smith believes in defending the Second Amendment, saying without the right to bear arms, the other rights in the Constitution wouldn’t be available to U.S. citizens. He also wants to open Asian markets for Wyoming’s coal industry as well as expand domestic markets for natural gas.


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