Notes from Town Square: Summer work in Green River

You may have noticed that there is a lot of work going on around town these days.

This summer is going to be a very busy season for Green River. Many projects that have been in the planning for years will finally be coming to fruition and a few new projects are happening too.

To begin with, Second South Street is getting a makeover. You’ve probably noticed the detour signs already and may have wondered what was happening. A few years ago, citizens voted on several projects to be funded by the Sixth Penny Tax and improvements to Second South was one of them. The street needs a new water main and surface reconstruction.

The Public Works Department will also be adding street landscaping to improve the atmosphere of the river corridor. Landscaping and beautification elements may include trees, a low decorative wall, street lamps, improved sidewalks and benches.

This capital improvement project is slated to continue into 2017. However, planning for the project includes construction shutdowns during special events like Flaming Gorge Days, River Festival and the 2017 Crystal Classic.

In the meantime, the businesses in the river corridor and along 2nd South are still open and accessible; you need only follow the “Detour” signs.

WYDOT began several street projects this week as well. They will be working on East Teton Boulevard, West Teton Boulevard and Hitching Post. There will be road closures and the intersection at Upland and Hitching Post will be closed at some point too.

The work to be done includes new pavement, and new curbs and gutters that meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards, which will make them more accessible to people with ambulatory challenges.

In the near future the City will also be improving ADA accessibility to curbs and sidewalks near the grocery store with funding through the Transportation Alternatives Program, administered by WYDOT. The ADA improvements will be at the intersections of East Teton Boulevard and Bridger Drive, West Teton Boulevard and Crossbow Drive and West Teton Boulevard and Cumorah Way. Design for this project occurs this summer and construction may begin in early fall.

In addition to all the activity on the streets, the Parks and Recreation Department will be planting new trees all over town, funded in part by grants. The first trees were already planted at the east entrance to town along the fence by the railroad yard and in the circular pasture. The city has also received a grant from WYDOT in conjunction with the beautification committee which will fund a landscaping project in that same section.

Trees, shrubs and perennials will be planted near the sign welcoming visitors to Green River.

Lastly, this summer you should be on the lookout for attractive new informational signage going up all over town. The sings are green and blue to reflect our lovely town of Green River.

This is a great project that many people at City Hall have wanted to see happen for many years.

Early in 2016 the city received a grant from the Wyoming Business Council to help us pay for the fabrication and installation of this wayfinding system throughout the city.

If you have questions about any of the projects mentioned here, call the public works department at 872-0528 or parks and recreation at 872-6151.


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