District approves summer work

The summer will be a busy one for Sweetwater County School District No. 2 as a multitude of projects will be underway during the break.

Tuesday night, the district’s board of trustees approved a variety of work and project bids for projects involving security cameras, cement work and a track replacement project at Green River High School.

Six concrete projects, which include work at the GRHS commons area, was approved by the district for a total of $112,904. Regarding the high school commons area, the concrete is being replaced after 17 years. District maintenance manager Doug Hamel said some concrete settlement has occurred around the edges of the commons area, which is consistent with settlement throughout the school.

The district also voted to approve $197,690 for district-wide floor covering projects.

The Truman Elementary School Gym will also be a focus for district projects, as the board voted to approve $17,739 for floor resurfacing work.

The Truman Elementary roof will also be the site of summer work, with the board approving the first phase of a project geared to replace to roof. The board approved $118,500 for the roof work.

Thoman Ranch Elementary will have a new modular building to call home next fall as the district will replace the current school building during the summer.

The board approved a $191,000 for the new building, which will be funded through the state’s school facilities funding. The district anticipates a July 15 delivery date for the building.

The track and turf at GRHS will see some improvements throughout the summer through a $1.55 million project approved by the board.

Funding for the work is split between funds from the district’s recreation board mill levy and its major maintenance fund. Superintendent Donna Little-Kaumo described the track as being in “terrible shape” and said the project should give the track a 50-year lifespan. Board member Steve Core said the project should be completed by the fall.

The district will also install two new cameras at each building in the district, at a cost of $28,600.42.


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