Notes from Town Square: Baked goods at Daily Knead

Are you in the market for some baked goods? Try our local bakery, The Daily Knead, located downtown on Flaming Gorge Way.

Loanda Slaton opened her bakery about 5 and a half years ago to start a college fund for her two sons.

She and her son, Aaron, do all the baking themselves and everything they sell is homemade. Loanda said that she decided to start a bakery because she loves baking for other people. She really enjoys watching people’s expressions as they take a bite of one of her goodies and seeing the look of joy that comes over their faces. Some of their specialty items are their Heart-Tarts, sourdough breads, and caramels which are cut and wrapped by hand.

Loanda is a Green River native. She’s watched many businesses come and go and she really wanted to fill a niche in Green River so she started baking for the Farmers Market in 2008.

At that time, she had to rent a kitchen from one of the local churches because everything had to be made in a licensed, commercial kitchen. A few of the churches have kitchens that are licensed and inspected by the Sweetwater County Health Department. Over the years, her success grew and she was able to move into her own store with its own kitchen. She also still attends our Farmers Market which we are very glad for.

Loanda decided to locate downtown because she said; “It is the place to be”. She enjoys being downtown and likes that she is able to hear the Clock Tower chiming. Another reason she moved downtown is because the rent is more affordable than some of the other places around town. There are some challenges to being a downtown business though, and one of them is parking. Loanda said that it seems that if a space isn’t open directly in front of their store, people will just keep driving.

Loanda is very happy to be able to provide something to the community that wasn’t already here. After all these years, and working from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday, she still loves baking. Stop in to see her and try one of her chocolate caramels. They are delicious!


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