Council finalizes city signs

Longtime residents may not have any difficulty finding their way to various destinations in the city of Green River, but for those who are traveling through or visiting for an event, some places prove difficult to find.

Funds were finalized at Tuesday’s city council meeting for construction of way-finding signs in Green River.

The total project budget is set at $168,000. The amount of $84,000 is paid for by a Wyoming Business Council Enhancement Grant, which was awarded to the city in October, 2015. The city will match the grant and pay the other half of the total project cost.

The finalized grant money will fund for 39 signs to be constructed throughout Green River, directing people to the major services and destinations of the city. The 39 signs consist of 22 large signs, 14 small signs, and three parking signs. The way-finding signs in Green River will be similar to the ones that are in place in Rock Springs currently. The city of Green River is utilizing the same grant for way-finding signs as Rock Springs used.

They are all custom-built signs; no generic boiler plate signs for Green River.

The Construction of the signs will start in May, with the deadline of installation to be by the end of August. The signs should be in place by the end of the summer, if not sooner.

Visitors in Green River will have an easier time finding Smiths grocery, the high school, the rodeo grounds, Expedition Island, various parks and other major destinations when the signs are constructed and visible to drivers and pedestrians alike.

“Have you ever tried to find Smiths?” Finance Director Chris Meats asked. “They will be very helpful. For visitors, they will be extremely helpful.”


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