Snow storms empty WYDOT budget

A large winter storm passing through the state has resulted in between 1 and 3 inches of snow throughout Wyoming, according to the National Weather Service.

The NWS, based in Riverton, said a second storm is expected to hit Thursday. In Sweetwater County, snowfall hasn’t been as severe as it has in other parts of the state, with between 1 and 2 inches being reported county-wide. However, that amount still was enough to close Interstate 80’s eastbound lanes.

I-80 is the Wyoming Department of Transportation’s chief concern during snowstorms, but conducts snow removal for approximately 3,000 lane miles of road throughout the district Green River and Rock Springs are in.

According to Stephanie Harsha, public involvement specialist for WYDOT District 3 in Rock Springs, snowstorms have resulted in the agency going over budget in their salt, sand and snow removal budget.

The agency allocated $6.35 million in its maintenance budget, but started operating in the red as of March 18. According to Tory Thomas, WYDOT’s district maintenance engineer in Rock Springs, the budget figure is selected after looking at previous weather patterns and reports.

Thomas said snow removal costs were under budget last year.

“For some years, we’re under budget; other years we’re over,” Harsha said.


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