Team comes home with 3rd

It may not have been the outcome the team wanted, but with how hard the Wyoming State Speech and Debate Tournament was this year, the team is glad to have the third-place trophy.

Cheyenne East, with a score of 41 points, was crowned the new 4A State Champion, while Cheyenne Central took second with 29 points and Green River grabbed third with 25 points.

"I am happy with the outcome," head Coach Carina White said. "We knew going in that our team was young and inexperienced; and they competed with heart and determination and we still took third place in 4A coming home with hardware for the ninth year in a row."

Cheyenne East and Central took advantage of having older students on their teams.

"The other 4A schools that placed had a pile of experienced seniors competing and they simply had some better finishes than us in some events," White said. "I have never seen a group of students come together the way this one did; they worked tirelessly every moment they were at this tournament; and in the days leading up to it. They did everything that the coaches asked of them and more. I know the other coaches and myself couldn't be prouder of this group of kids. Our next season looks very promising and they intend to reclaim their state title."

The team knew is was going to be a tough tournament and were happy when Green River was called for third place.

"This team has been at the top for many years and we knew at some point our streak of state titles might end. I think this team learned you can't take anything for granted and you have to work hard and believe in yourself," White said. "They have already set goals for next season and I believe they will accomplish them."

Even though Wyoming's state competition took place this weekend, the season is still not over, district's will take place next.

"We are also not done, our national qualifying tournament is this coming weekend and we hope to take home a district title for the ninth year in a row as well as qualify a bunch of students for nationals," White said.

The students will need to rebound quickly this week, and prepare for what is most important -- going to nationals.

State Results

Humor: Colt Parson, fifth place, Dallin Hoyt, semifinalist

Duet: Karlee cutler and Lynzi Johnson, semifinalists

Congress: Jesse Lauze, second place, Patrick Marchal, fourth place, Atlin Johnson, semifinalist

Cross examination debate: Victoria Allen and Atlin Johnson, third place, Gregory and Patrick Marchal, quarter finalists, Haley Lauze and Jesse Lauze, quarter finalists


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