Now is the time to check out library's audiobooks

Can you believe that it’s almost spring? This winter went by quickly, and while it may still snow a few more times (we do live in Wyoming) things have pretty much thawed out for the year. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a time of renewal, a time to get outside, a time to try something new.

Speaking of trying something new, have you gotten hooked on audiobooks yet? Spring Break starts in Green River next week, so if you’re planning to take a vacation, now would be a good time to stop by the library and pick up an audiobook. Audiobooks are great for a car or plane trip. They help make the time go by faster, allow you to do some reading while you’re driving (in a safe way, of course), and are just fun to listen to. Drop by the library and pick up a book on CD – we have everything from Stephen King to the classics.

You can also pick up a Playaway. Playaways are MP3 versions of audiobooks. Instead of having to change CDs while listening to the book, a Playaway audiobook is self-contained. All you need to do is plug it into some headphones or your car speakers and it’s ready to go!

If you don’t have time to stop by the library, or if you prefer to listen to digital audiobooks, check out the digital audiobooks options that the library has available. You can find out about the library’s audiobook services, by visiting our website at and clicking on Ebooks, Movies and More. From there, click on Digital Audiobooks on the menu to the left. Digital audiobooks are available through the three services – OneClick, Hoopla, and OverDrive – that are listed on that page. So if you can’t find what you’re looking for on one service, you may just find it on another.

There are many titles available, so odds are you’ll find something you want to listen to. The great thing that about digital audiobooks is that you can listen to them through your mobile device. For a car ride this is a great option – all you have to do is download the book to your app and go. You can even plug your phone into your vehicle’s speakers during your trip. The best thing about all of the library’s audiobook options is that they are free to check out with your library card.

So if you haven’t listened to an audiobook before, what are you waiting for? With so many options available for with your library card, now seems like a good time to check them out.


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