Trona props hosp. district

With the decline in the oil and gas industry affecting budgets for both the state and county, many would assume local tax districts, like the Castle Rock Hospital District, would feel a similar sting.

According to Todd Toolson, CFO for the hospital district, while the district will see a decrease in tax funding, it won’t be on par with other shortfalls. More than 80 percent of the district’s revenues come from trona, the value of which is stable in comparison to oil, natural gas and coal.

Toolson said the medical center’s patient load shouldn’t change drastically because Green River’s residents are less involved with the oil and gas industry, with more working in the trona mines. As the mines haven’t made drastic layoffs like the oil and gas industry, fewer people will leave Green River.

As for how the oil and gas industry decline will impact employees at the district, Toolson said the district has received more applications for its open positions that it has previously.

Additionally, he doesn’t anticipate wage amounts having a large increase for the district because of the oil and gas decline.


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