Expedition Academy starts project

Dear Editor,

Expedition Academy is working with the Red Desert Humane Society in Rock Springs over the next four weeks to create fun toys and treats for the animals currently housed by the humane society. As a school, we will be creating the toys and treats for the animals.

We are asking for donations from the community to help in this joint project that can be donated directly to Expedition Academy, the humane society, or to the participating businesses in the area.

The following is a list of donations that would be greatly appreciated to help with the project and fulfill the community service requirements for the students to graduate from EAHS.

These supplies are: Kitten and Puppy food, Kitty Litter, dryer sheets, pet friendly cleaners, old socks, T-shirts, Jeans or Levi’s, tennis balls, yarn, new or old rope, jute or any other string-like material, catnip, cardboard tubes and boxes, carpet scraps, Elmer’s liquid glue, and materials to make cat scratching posts such as scraps of lumber or plywood.

We politely request that all clothes or carpets are clean when donated. We ask that all donations are turned in by March 1.

There will be donation boxes outside the main doors of EAHS at 410 Upland Way in Green River, Red Desert Humane Society located at 310 Yellowstone Road in Rock Springs, Smith’s Food and Grocery and Shopko both in Green River. All donations are appreciated by all of us involved.

Lee Harper

Green River


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