Team takes 1st place in Evanston

In a dominate performance, the Green River High School Speech and Debate team reclaimed the top spot.

However, that doesn’t mean they will not have their work cut out for them if they want to do it again.

The team traveled to Evanston this past weekend and finished in first-place with 146 points. Riverton came in second with 41 points; and Cheyenne South took third with 26 points.

“We are heading in the right direction this season to poise ourselves for many more team wins. The team has stepped up and worked hard; and it is showing in their results every week,” head coach Carina Stulken said.

This weekend will really show the team where they stand in comparison to other speech and debate teams across the state.

“This coming weekend is the most difficult and important season tournament we compete in at Natrona,” Stulken said. “The entire state is in attendance and it is a very difficult tournament to place in as well as win. There will be close to 40 schools attending. We have a lot of work to do at practice this week to get ready for it.”

Even though they know it will be tough, the team is still setting its sites on a first-place finish.

“We need to perfect pieces, research evidence in debate and work hard. A victory at Natrona is our goal this week,” Stulken said.

During the Evanston tournament, several students surprised Stulken with their performances.

Rachel Heisinger, a novice team member has been consistently competitive in poetry and Lincoln-Douglas debate.

This weekend, she once again made it into semifinal rounds with an undefeated preliminary record and took third place at the tournament earning the team five points.

The Green River humor team members have been on fire this season, Stulken said. In Evanston, the team had six students make it to out rounds and they took first, second, third, fifth and sixth place almost sweeping the final round.

The team closed out the final round of both cross examination debate and Lincoln-Douglas debate taking first through third place in Lincoln-Douglas debate and in cross examination debate.

The team will travel to Casper for the Natrona Tournament this weekend.

Evanston Results

Oratory: Sarah Kropf, sixth place, Kayla Gibson, semifinalist

Extemporaneous: Gregory Marchal, first place, Hannah Thomas, fifth place, Michael Montoya, sixth place

Impromptu: Phaedon Jones, third place, Gregory Marchal, fourth place, Abigaile Grubb, fifth place, Morgan Burbank, sixth place, Hayley Lauze, semifinalist, Rebecca Shamer, semifinalist, Victoria Allen, semifinalist, Shayla Jensen, semifinalist, Leonna Grimes, semifinalist

Poetry: Leonna Grimes, fourth place, Amy Grass, sixth place, Vabsi Ibarra, semifinalist, Karlee Cutler, semifinalist, Lynzi Johnson, semifinalist, Megan Golightly, semifinalist

Humor: Reina Kropf, first place, Emma Nathan, second place, Morgan Burbank, third place, Dallin Hoyt, fifth place, Phaedon Jones, sixth place, Raymond Garcia, semifinalist

Congress: Patrick Marchal, first place, Jesse Lauze, second place, Kolbi Schanezbach, semifinalist, Atlin Johnson, semifinalist, Danny Christensen, semifinalist, Tristan Gilmore, semifinalist, Allison Kloepper, semifinalist

Duet: Karlee Cutler and Lynzi Johnson, second place, Reina Kropf and Leslie Patterson, fourth place, Morgan Burbank and Sarah Kropf, sixth place, Kayla Gibson and Emma Nathan, semifinalists, Katy Robinson and Raymond Garcia, semifinalists, Amy Grass and Phaedon Jones, semifinalists, Hannah Braithwaite and Lauryn Hoyt, semifinalists, Colt Parson and Shelby Jenkins, semifinalists

Drama: Nina Dodd, semifinalist, Savannah McCauley, semifinalist

Cross Examination debate: Atlin Johnson and Victoria Allen, first-place tie, Patrick Marchal and Gregory Marchal, first-place tie, Danny Christensen and Caleb Ragsdale, third place

Public forum debate: Allison Kloepper and Kyle Thomas, third place

Lincoln-Douglas debate: Abigaile Grubb, first-place tie, Dallin Hoyt, first-place tie

Close out of final round: Rachel Heisinger, third place


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