Residents can learn how to make jewelry

Start the New Year off with some new jewelry making techniques and leave class with a beautiful piece of jewelry.

January’s class will learn how to create a “Chain Maille Pendant” Friday. This project will introduce students to a new chain maille technique, the Helm Chain. It is a beginner European style weave that works up into a multi layered chain, it makes intricate looking pendants perfect for color work and masculine feeling chains.

Upcoming spring classes will include “Wire Wrap Rings,” two classes working with ways to use see beads to create dramatic earrings, and how to layer leather, beads and charms to create a bracelet.

“Helm chain is one of my favorite weaves,” Messer said. “It lends itself well to bold shapes and multiple color combinations, and has a very pleasing mix of round versus straight shapes.”

Messer is the assistant to the director at the CFAC and holds degrees from Western Wyoming College, Montana State University and the University of Wyoming. This is her eighth year of teaching jewelry making at the CFAC and the first time she has offered this particular set of classes. This summer Messer taught a three part advanced jewelry making class on how to stitch a beaded Cellini Spiral.

Interested individuals can see examples of each project and register at the CFAC for a small supply fee. The two classes are identical in content and run between an hour and two hours each. Classes take place at the CFAC, Fridays from noon to 2 p.m. and Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m., all supplies are included for each class, and class sizes are limited for one on one interaction. CFAC hours are Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday and Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m.


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