Our View: Move the comments to the end

Weekend plans can be fun to discuss.

For example, Stephanie Thompson spent an entire day cleaning a closet filled to the brim with toys and other things. We also watched her beloved Minnesota Vikings lose to the Seattle Seahawks in a close NFL Wild Card game Sunday. Lillian Palmer and her boyfriend basked in the glory of a her new television over the weekend, sitting through the “Matrix” trilogy of films.

David Martin, on the other hand, did some house hunting over the weekend and spent a good portion of Sunday afternoon doing the housework that often gets ignored over the course of a workweek.

Let’s be honest, the last 100 words have been a waste of space in regards to an editorial column. We’re pretty sure some readers are wondering why anyone would care about reading the Star’s staff writers’ weekend activities, but that is what occurs during some meetings, most recently with the Sweetwater County Commissioners meeting last week.

We’re not saying elected officials can’t lighten the mood or have a little fun during a meeting. However, there have been instances where elected officials have discussed topics that have very little bearing on the business they conduct in their official capacity.

There have also been instances where remarks not related to government business have been recorded in meeting minutes, ultimately wasting both time and money.

The comments section should be moved to the end of a meeting, like how they’re handled by the Green River City Council.


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