Student organization helps out at GR center

Lincoln Middle School students learn the importance of volunteer work at a community event.

Last Thursday, members of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America volunteered at the Golden Hour Senior Center's Christmas dinner.

Tonya Stratton, FCCLA organizer and LMS family and consumer science teacher, said FCCLA offers its members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential, while developing skills necessary in the home and workplace, including planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication.

Stratton said 15 members are currently in the group. To become a member of this organization, students must be in a family and consumer science class or have previously taken one.

On Thursday the students had the chance to interact with people they may not have the chance to interact with normally. Stratton said while they were at the GHSC the students learned important decision-making skills and that service is a reward on its own.

"The seniors thought the kids did a great job," Stratton said. "I felt like my kids did an awesome job."

The students helping out also learned a sense of responsibility and connection to their community, she said.

Stratton said this group also focuses on improving self esteem, understanding themselves and their relationships with others, experiencing the satisfaction of helping others and gaining recognition for accomplishments, making decisions and carrying out an activity.

During the dinner, the students were busy handing out meals, pouring coffee and other drinks and setting and clearing off tables. The seniors enjoyed seeing them help out.


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