Library offers up some Christmas time cheer

I love the holidays!

This is one of my favorite times of the year. The holidays are a special time to share the wonder of the season. It doesn’t matter if you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, this time of year is special. Growing up, one of my family’s favorite things to do was take a drive to look at the Christmas lights around town, and then gather at home to watch our favorite Christmas shows. “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye, is on the top of the list. For us, there is nothing like that wonderful finale where love and friendship bring everyone together. Emit Otter’s “Jug-Band Christmas” is another favorite that always brings a smile. The puppetry is unique and draws you in. It is fun and heartwarming, and it’s a show you can watch with the whole family.

The library keeps a nice selection of holiday movies that are available year round. “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Jimmy Stewart is a classic that gets checked out any time of year. “Miracle on 34th Street” with a very young Natalie Wood and Maurine O’Hara remind us of the magic of the season. Another holiday favorite is “A Christmas Story.” I always find it fun to get people talking about this movie and listen to them call out lines from the show – it’s fun for everyone. And, of course, who could forget Charles Schulz’s “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Charlie Brown and his friends help to remind us of the joy of Christmas. More modern titles are also available at the library. “The Christmas Shoes,” “Benji’s Christmas Collection,” “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” “Arthur Christmas,” “Fred Claus,” “Dr. Who: A Christmas Carol,” “Christmas Comes to Willow Creek,” and “Home Alone” are just a few of the titles available.

If movies aren’t your thing there are countless books to brighten your holidays. “The Christmas Box” by Richard Paul Evans is a wonderful story. This author has written several holiday based books. I haven’t read one I didn’t like. “An Island Christmas” by Nancy Thayer is another heartwarming book. It is not too long, but just right for those cold winter days when you want a nice read that does not take long to complete. Many folks are trying to start or continue special holiday traditions. “1001 Christmas Facts and Fancies” by Alfred Carl Hottes is a great tool when linking into ones family history or culture. Here you can find information from the story of Christmas to decorations and their meanings, to Christmas and legends from around the world. Author Mary Engelbriet has a vast collection of idea books. You might try “Christmas Ideas Make Good Cheer.” The detailed craft ideas will help you to make those unexpected gifts. Last but not least, take time to check out the many wonderful holiday cookbooks. Food always seems to bring a group together. It is always fun to add a new recipe to the traditional lineup for that holiday feast.

Many of the children’s books have the most amazing graphics and storylines. A co-worker just showed me a new book for this year, “Humphrey’s First Christmas” by Carol Heyer. What a funny and sweet book. Humphrey is a camel and who has lost his blanket. Page by page you will follow his search. We found ourselves smiling with each page. “The Naughtiest Reindeer” by Nicki Greenberg is an exuberant, hilarious picture book about a substitute reindeer and the trouble she causes. Young people will love it. Classics such as the “Nutcracker” or the “Night Before Christmas” are always fun. Those young and old will gather round to listen to these time honored tales.

It doesn’t matter what format you pick -- book, movie, audiobook, etc. -- the bottom line is take time for those you love. Take turns picking a movie to watch as a group or ask Grandma to read a story to the grandchildren. These are the ties that bind us together. Let the library help you make this holiday season the best ever. Stop by and take a look at all the wonderful items we have available for your use.

Just a reminder, don’t forget to sign up for the Winter Reading program. Items you read or listen to can be placed in a reading log. This program started runs until Jan. 30

Thank you for you patronage. Happy holidays from the staff at the Sweetwater County Library System.


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