Reader shares thoughts

Now, we have a school lockout at, of all places, 6,000 feet up in the mountains, in Green River -- for possible terrorism? Baloney!

A local lawyer, out walking his dog across a high school parking lot with what appears like a cell phone and a walking stick in hand is a threat? Yeah, sure. Look closer.

Sounds like kids in a closet scaring themselves with ghost stories.

Simply refine that photograph. It can be done, even with only a poor cell phone shot. Ask any photographer, they know how to do it!

Stop raising pointless alarms when a simple phone call from a citizen (one of many) who knows the man diffused the question.

Doubtful as it may be for arguments sake, nonetheless, let’s pretend it was so, and there was a real threat.

Its high time to throw away all things “politically correct,” along with the fools who originate them. Then, we can treat such events as we did in the Philippines, several decades ago by turning what they believe against them.

No matter how ridiculous it may be, the incredible fact that they do believe it is a powerful tool, with every bit the potential impact of truth to them.

If your enemy persists in believing foolishness, use it against him. Wars have been won with less. And make no mistake, we are at war with radical Islam, so use all the tools at hand, particularly their own stupidity.

Since they really believe they’ll get 76 (or whatever) virgins by killing themselves in the cause, of “holy jihad,” remember they also believe, with equal fervor, that even touching a pig, an unclean animal, condemns them to hell. So, what if we copy Gen. John J. Pershing’s example and bury each one in an entire pig-hide, partial internals included.

Again, remember, it’s not what we believe, we know better, but what they believe that matters. No matter how full of foolishness that belief is. Then they become afraid of death and not nearly so ready to do stupid, death-inviting things like blowing themselves up. When they figure they’ll be buried in a “filthy pig hide,” thus ensuring their passage to hell rather than getting 76 virgins as a reward, it changes things a bit.

Remember Pershing’s Philippine campaign? He’d kill off whole groups of radical Muslims, except for a single survivor—who he then sent back to tell the tale of their demise. Boy, was that a game-changer. They weren’t afraid of .45 cal. guns that would punch right through several layers of vine wrapping armor to kill a man dead as a wedge, but they were definitely afraid of pig hides, which in their belief “guaranteed “ hell in the afterlife.

So much for effective “politically correct” strategies.

Bottom line; it worked.

Using enemy-stupidity to defeat itself was the solution and will be again.

To Bill O’Rielly

Several times, now, I’ve politely asked Fox News to do something that should’ve been learned in kindergarten, to no avail.

Namely, don’t interrupt!

Wait till the other person has finished speaking to say what ever you want to add.

You can’t understand anything with every one babbling at the same time over each other.

Yet, every day, everyone on every program does exactly that, so its no accident.

Since no one can there can seem to master this simple skill, perhaps we should put a normally off switch on every microphone, with the on switch for each one controlled by the programs producer.

Aargh, how infuriating! Particularly since this courtesy is mastered regularly by five and six year olds in kindergarten, on pain of martial correction if necessary.

No one’s opinion is so important and no time is so valuable, as to excuse such bad behavior and self-defeating logic by trampling over the next person’s conversation resulting in no one being able to understand anything, anyone is saying. Particularly in adults who know better, or should.

The Prince and Obama

Niccolò Machiavelli in his book, “The Prince,” said in effect “you only defer hostilities with a determined foe, to the advantage of that foe.”

As the classic cowardly leader, Obama is playing right into ISIS’ hands, making eventual resolution all the harder simply because he doesn’t have the will (the political guts and personal intelligence) to get into a necessary war, when it’s plainly inevitable.

What a piece of work he is, to the detriment of us, all. Some President!

Is it any wonder that the American public has had its fill of his so-called leadership from behind. Obama’s duplicity.

Right along with the administration’s refusal to acknowledge or do anything effective about Islamic extremism, starting with calling it by what it is, comes other “public pronouncements” of the same ilk—all with the same trends and the same general results.

Namely, ready, fire, aim!

The procedure , specifically, is: (1) determine what you want to be the case, whether it exists or not; (2) fictionalize the so-called facts in-the-field to suit the desired story; (3) never admit you even might be wrong.

It takes strength and wisdom to change your response, when conditions also change. Obama has neither.

The latest “stiff-arm” given to our oldest and best ally, France, by refusing to send American troops to help with their fight against ISIS, is just another version of the same business. Allies, is it?

Can you say “NATO”?

For yet another example of Obama’s version of “honor” and “truth, ”the statement that “there was not even a ‘smidgeon; of corruption involved with the IRS” comes to mind, among others.

Why bother with inconvenient, glaring truths when outright lies and variations, thereon, are so much handier and easier to promulgate.

To wit, dictating to the Pentagon that they were to “toe the line” regarding the (in)effectiveness of an ISIS insurgency, despite facts in the field that were clearly the opposite of what Obama wanted.

Never have I seen , or even heard of a President so given to flagrant untruths and “shadings” of the facts as this one, and that’s saying something, given some of the presidents involved, both before and during my 75 years on this earth.

No wonder the American public and even our closest international allies like France, a NATO partner, and our closest/oldest friend, for instance, justifiably distrust everything Obama says and does. The man can’t be trusted with anything. If the facts of the matter don’t support his momentary preferences, no problem. Simply fictionalize the facts ‘till they do. That’s one heckuva note for our President.

What an all-time disgrace, to actually be ashamed of a sitting President, even among friends, no less. Does Obama hold anything sacrosanct?

Awhile back, I spent a few years as a construction engineer in the Middle East, where I learned quite a bit about the Koran and its followers as much out of self defense and self-preservation as for any other reason. One thing still stands out about that experience, above all else. In any transaction between Muslims and other religions, if it will advantage the Muslim in any way, the written word can be ignored or otherwise “gotten around” with impunity to the Muslim, since, after all, it’s only with “unbelievers” and ”infidels” so, they don’t count.

Further, since this is only a matter to be adjudicated within their court system, the contract terms cannot be trusted, when you’re on the Christian side of the table.

Believe it, your very life may depend on it!

Yet, here we are, with a President who, suspiciously, won’t do anything that runs against Arab interests, yet who is about to sign a treaty governing nuclear weapons with just such people, where all our lives do depend on it, and with nuclear consequences, don’t forget. Now you tell me, exactly what is that “signed treaty” really worth, given that the Iranians are Muslim and Obama is a Christian, or is he? Given Muslim contempt for any “contract“ involving Muslims and Christians, one wonders.

Maybe you’ve got to put on a “nice face” when dealing with that snake-in-the-grass, Obama.

I don’t.

I’ve had Arab contractors with 10 times more integrity than Obama and I knew where they were coming from.

At least they were openly sympathetic to the Islamic cause.

With Obama, given all his de-facto actions to the contrary, though he claims to be Christian, one has cause to wonder.

So, if I had to pick some accurate descriptors of the Obama Administration, I would have to select, at least,“sheer stupidity” (or outright, traitorous) for his apparent inability to understand that disasters must necessarily develop from choosing “convenient fictions” over “truthful facts” to base critical decisions on. In other words, when it’s hard facts, rather than convenient word-games which shape the real events we deal with, far better to depend on proven facts in the field, rather than any fictionalized pablum Obama manufactures for himself.

C’est le vivre!

Fools are born every minute, according to P.T. Barnum.


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