Administrator gets a raise

Consideration to approve an increase in the general fund in the administration department for an amendment to the City Administrator’s Contract, in the amount of $20,862 was approved at Tuesday’s city council meeting.

At the beginning of the council meeting Councilman Gary Killpack asked for the motion to be moved out of the consent agenda. That was for the public to be aware of the action. He said because some actions were done under the consent agenda concerning the previous city administrator, it appeared as if the city council were attempting to hide the actions.

“That is what got us in trouble with the last administrator,” Killpack said. “So I thought it was important we bring this out in the open so that the public understands exactly what we’re doing.”

Killpack said when Clevenger was hired for the position, he was contracted for a lower salary than what the advertised amount was for the job.

“Because he’s done a good performance, we’re trying to get him up to what was advertised,” he said. “I just want the public to understand we are not trying to hide anything. We’re trying to be transparent as possible.”

The council feels that Clevenger is doing a good job and has fixed problems that existed with the previous city administrator, Killpack said. He also explained Clevenger’s contract is still short of what the advertised amount was.

“We appreciate what he’s doing and we can’t give away the bank. At least we got it closer to that amount that was advertised,” he said.

The total amount of $20,862 will be dispersed into various raises for City Administrator Reed Clevenger.

He will receive a 3 percent raise to his cost of living allocation in the amount of $3,750, effective from July 1, 2015. He will receive a 2 percent merit raise in the amount of $2,897, effective from Oct. 15. He will receive an auto allowance of $500 per month, to the amount of $4,500, effective Oct. 1, 2015.

Clevenger will also receive payout of unused special time off in the amount of $5,101, and will receive an additional 30 hours of special time off and funding payout of any additional unused special time off, of $1,913.

There will be funding set aside for Clevenger’s retirement, worker’s compensation and federal taxes in the amount of $2,702.


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