The Box Top scavanger hunt

I am starting to feel like a freshman all over again.

I thought I was over this, but now that I have a kindergarten student I almost feel as though I am a freshman again.

Every time I think I know how things work at the school, I get another letter in the mail wanting me to do something else for my son. If I am not fundraising for the school, I am collecting stuff, I guess. When I am not doing that I am going to meetings or special school programs.

This time it was the letter I found in my son’s backpack about Box Tops.

Sure. That sounds easy enough. The directions said all I needed to do was find products with Box Tops on them, cut those Box Tops out and either tape or glue them to the paper.

Of course, I misplaced the original instructions and had to try and go by memory after I received a reminder note in my son’s backpack.

I started going through the pantry to find Box Tops, and I thought I was doing pretty good at first. After 10 minutes of searching, I only found three.

I started looking at cereal boxes, soup cans and anything else I could find. I would pull them off the shelf, look for a Box Top and put it back. I did find some on a soup can, but after I cut it off, the whole soup label ripped off and I could no longer tell what kind of soup it was.

Then, I went over to my desk to see if I could find the missing papers so I could get a better idea of what kind of products have Box Tops on them. I did find the paper; and read the instructions again.

I started looking through my fridge and pantry again for items on the list, only to discover I had thrown some of them away already. I discovered I opened the wrong end and had thrown the Box Top away.


After half an hour of searching, I finally called it quits. I ended up with six Box Tops. I figured that was pretty good, until I looked through the instructions on where to attach the Box Tops. When I turned to the Box Top attaching page there was enough room for 50. Fifty?

I sort of felt bad, but then I decided six was better than none at all.

Now I know what I am looking for; and maybe I can even get some help from friends and collect more next time. It’s moments like this when I truly feel like a freshman again.


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