Discover the magical world of 'Mary Poppins'

One of my favorite Disney movies is “Mary Poppins.” I’m not entirely sure why I enjoy this movie. I don’t typically enjoy musicals and the mix between live actors and cartoon animation is somewhat odd. Maybe it reminds me of my childhood since I watched it several times while growing up. Or maybe it is the catchy tunes: “Chim chiminey chim chim cher-oo,” “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” “Feed the Birds.” (A sing-a-long version of “Mary Poppins” was released in 2001.) Or maybe it is simply the story I enjoy of the magical umbrella-wielding English nanny who is blown by the east wind into the Banks’ home resulting in numerous adventures for the Banks children.

Did you know “Mary Poppins” was based on a book?

Despite my love for the movie, I didn’t know this until I saw the movie “Saving Mr. Banks.” “Saving Mr. Banks” tells the story of how Walt Disney brought P.L. Travers’ story of Mary Poppins to film. Travers actually didn’t have one story, but eight. “Mary Poppins” is a series of books, of which only the first four where used for the film adaptation.

This month we will have the opportunity to read “Mary Poppins” together as a community in lead up to Western Wyoming Community College’s Performing Arts Department production of “Mary Poppins” in November. Copies of the book are available for check out at the library. Pass-along copies will also be available beginning this week. Pick a pass-along copy up from the library, read it and then share it with a friend.

You can also obtain a copy of “Mary Poppins” through the library’s eBook services. All three of the library’s eBook services – Freading, 3M Cloud and OverDrive – have copies available for checkout. EBooks check out for two weeks with these services and can be renewed if needed. All you need is a library card and portable reading device or PC.

Maybe you would prefer to listen to the book instead? An audio version is available through the library’s Hoopla service. Hoopla provides access to music, streaming movies, comic books and audio books.

This unabridged version narrated by Sophie Thompson is a joy for both children and adults. Thompson is a British children’s author and actress and sister to Emma Thompson, who played the role of P.L. Travers in the movie “Saving Mr. Banks.” (Those Thompson girls sure love Mary Poppins.) Sophie does a suburb job with “Mary Poppins” and the book is well worth a listen. Hoopla as well as the library’s three eBook services can all be accessed at the library’s website.

In addition, the library will be hosting Mary Poppins-themed activities Nov. 4 and 5 in both Green River and Rock Springs. Check with the library for more information.

But Mary Poppins isn’t the only thing going on at the public library this month. This Saturday we celebrate the magical world of Harry Potter at the library’s annual Harry Potter Party. Children of all ages are invited to stop by the library to participate in the Tri-Wizard Tournament as the library transforms into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the day.

My family is looking forward to this event, especially my fourth grade daughter, who recently started reading the Harry Potter books after viewing all the movies.

It has been fun to watch her discover how much better the book is than the movie as she eagerly points out to me all the differences between the two. I suspect reading “Mary Poppins” will be better than the movie and look forward to reading it with the rest of the community.

I invite you to do the same.


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