Granger library will move soon

The Granger library will soon have a new home once construction is finished on the town’s community center.

Sweetwater County Library System Director Jason Grubb said the library will be part of the new community center. Currently, the town’s library is housed within a trailer that Grubb says doesn’t quite fit their needs. The space within the community center will be much better for the town library, he said.

Sandy Allen, Granger’s mayor, said the earliest they will be able to start moving into the community center will be early November. Some delays occurred as a result of asbestos being removed earlier this summer.

“It’s a real nice space,” Grubb said.

The system plans to move a second rural location as soon as it’s able to. The Bairoil branch, which is currently inside the town’s school building, faces a number of severe problems. Grubb said the water line to the building wore out, resulting in the library system placing portable restrooms and porting water into the building. However, as of right now, Grubb is unsure of what options are available for the system. While the town and library system are working together to find a solution to that problem, a lot of the discussion is preliminary. The Bairoil Town Council meets tonight and Grubb expects more information to be available to him after the meeting.

One option Grubb won’t entertain is completely pulling the library out of the community.

“We are trying to serve the entire county, not just Green River and Rock Springs,” Grubb said.

The Bairoil library, despite serving a population of 97 residents, is utilized frequently by its residents. Grubb said the library has more books checked out from it than other rural libraries in the county.

“That population is very committed to the library,” he said. “We are committed to being in the community.”


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