Let the lurching begin

Green River will once again become the city invaded by zombies.

The Sweetwater County Library is hosting its Zombie Walk Saturday, at 4 p.m. The Zombie Walk is a parade that will take place down Flaming Gorge Way in downtown Green River. The library has hosted this event for several years.

“If you want to be a part of the parade, meet us at the library a little before 4 p.m.,” Youth Services Manager and event organizer Becky Iwen said. “Make sure to wear your best zombie costume.”

The family-friendly parade will make its way down Flaming Gorge way between North 2nd East and North Center Street.

“You don’t have to be in the parade to enjoy it,” Iwen said. “Come on out and watch the parade. It will be fun, and we’ll be handing out candy for the kids.”

After the parade, the library will be hosting a costume contest at Clock Tower Park.

“After the costume contest, teens and adults are invited to join us for a zombie party that includes a screening of George Romero’s ‘Night of the Living Dead,’” Iwen said.


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