After-school strings program begins

Students interested in learning to play violin, viola or cello need only to call Sweetwater Board of Cooperative Educational Services to register in the After-School String program, now including lessons at the Eastside Elementary School.

Weekly group lessons in violin, viola and cello will continue to take place also at the Pilot Butte Elementary School, at the Rock Springs Junior High School and in Green River.

Students need to provide their own instrument and method book. Local music dealers can provide rental instruments and materials.

Students also need to pay the Sweetwater BOCES registration fee of $20 per semester. Scholarships for the registration fee, and possibly for the rental of an instrument, are available for students currently on the free or reduced lunch program at their school.

After school lessons are available mainly for students grades fifth through eighth. High school students and adults may also learn to play these instruments by attending this schedule with the younger students, or by making arrangements with the string teachers.

Students younger than these grade levels who have already begun lessons in the past, may continue by scheduling with the teachers.

Teaching the violin lessons will be Marcia Petersen of Green River. Teaching violin, viola, and cello, will be Sarah Wessel, and teaching cello at Eastside Elementary will be Max Lockett.

For information, or for scheduling, call Sarah Wessel at 389-8815.


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