Seniors travel to Riverton

Green River seniors will get a chance to try their hands at table games and the one-armed bandits in Riverton this weekend.

The Golden Hour Senior Center attendees will head off to Riverton this Saturday for their Casino Day Trip.

The center goes to the Wind River Casino four times a month as a part of their monthly activities. Carmen Tune is the hostess each trip. They started the casino trips about three years ago, with the trips becoming successful at attracting interest. For example, on Aug. 8, there were 31 people who went on the trip..

“It varies,” Tune said of the attendance. “We never know.”

Tune said every once in a while there are some big winners amongst the group.

“One gal won $8,000,” she said. “I saw someone win $1,600.”

On the day of the trip, the group gathers at the center and leaves to the Western Wyoming Community College campus at 8:30 a.m. where they catch their bus. Le Bus in Rock Springs provides the transportation. The bus is free and will take anyone 18 years of age and older to the casino. Prior to the trip, the attendees must call Joe Zanetti to reserve a spot on the bus.

During the bus ride, the group plays games to pass the time.

“We do play bingo on the bus going and coming and the people really like that,” Tune said.

They used to play a game where the bus driver would put a number on the wheels of the bus and then the attendees would buy a number from Tune for $2.

When they got to Riverton the number on the wheels would be revealed, and whoever bought the number that matched the number on the wheels would win all of the money.

“We had to stop putting the numbers on the wheels because of snow and rain,” Tune said.

Now they have chips with numbers on them and the bus driver picks a chip. Each person has the option of buying two numbers to increase their chances. The group usually arrives at the casino around 11:30 a.m. and they spend the day gambling until they leave at 6 p.m.

The last casino trip of the month will be the Aug. 26.


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