Those times with Harry Potter and the three of us

Recently, my mom and I started reading the second book in the Game of Thrones series together, out loud. We always grab a hot beverage, usually coffee and sometimes tea, then curl up on the couch next to each other and take turns reading aloud.

This is very reminiscent of the countless times we would sit together and read the Harry Potter book serious aloud, my mom, dad, and I. Well my mom and I would read and my dad would sit and listen. I can proudly say, I read the entire Harry Potter book series, yes, all seven books, out loud with my mom and dad. My mom and I would take turns reading chapters. It became a tradition for us.

My mom used to be a librarian, so she would come home with the newest books right away and we would get to reading.

Reading books out loud became a tradition for road trips as well. That’s how the first one started. My mom picked up the first Harry Potter book from the library and so began the reading-out-loud on the road. I remember for the fifth Harry Potter book, we finished the last few chapters hours before we went to see the movie, rushing to finish in time. All three of us intent on finishing before the flick was viewed.

There were many summer nights we sat on the back porch swing, reading till the sky was dark with twinkling stars above and the Wyoming night chill came over us. Finally, the porch light was an insufficient source of light and we’d be forced to move inside to continue reading.

Other times, we would finish dinner and sit around the kitchen table and read.

Those times with of course, coffee, plus dessert.

I look back now, and those are some very precious memories to me. For being in my twenties, I feel I do a lot of reminiscing. I look forward to enjoying the Clash of Kings, the second Game of Thrones book with my mom. I look forward to many cozy evenings on the couch, listening intently to her voice with a warm beverage in my hands.

It will surely invoke sweet memories of those times with Harry Potter, and the three of us.


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