Seeking the mysterious, horrible smell

Have you ever opened your refrigerator door and thought “What on earth is that smell?”

That happened to me again recently.

I opened the door to get my boys a snack and was hit with a pungent smell. I quickly grabbed the boys snack and shut the door.

“Like that is going to help,” I thought.

Once the boys were busy eating their snack, I opened the door again and started the process of looking through the fridge to find the culprit behind the nasty smell.

I first looked through the vegetable and fruit drawers recalling how one time I forgot about some broccoli and that was possibly one of the worst smells ever. Both of the drawers were fine.

I moved on the shelf above them -- nothing there but a case of pop and some condiments.

I start looking on the next shelf. There are quite a few leftovers. So, I pull them out and put them on the table, while I keep looking. I don’t think the leftovers are the problem since they have only been in the fridge a couple of days.

I keep searching. Moving items around to get a better look at items behind them.

I don’t see anything suspicious, but I know there has to be something. What else could cause such a horrible smell?

The search continues. As I am looking, I decide I might as well do some cleaning. I pull everything off of the first shelf so I can clean it. I then get a bowl full of soap water and a wash cloth and start wiping down the shelves.

After one shelf is done, I put the items back move to the next shelf.

With that one done too, I move on to the third and final shelf.

I start removing items, and then I see it. The container creating the pungent smell. I kind of gasp when I realize what it is -- a container filled with worms we had bought when we went fishing about two weeks ago.

I choke back the urge to throw up; and quickly grab the container.

For some reason, I feel the need to look into the container. Why? I have no idea. I still can’t believe I did that. The visual confirmation of liquid worms, which is the only way I can describe it, made me want to hurl. I quickly put the lid back on and toss it into the trash. Then, I take the trash to the garage. Usually, I leave it in the garage, but this time I take it directly to the trash can.

By this time, I am tired of cleaning the fridge. So, I put everything back and dump out the water. Wondering when will I go through this again.


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