Need home repair? The library has a book for that

Over the weekend our dishwasher leaked and water ended up between the layers of our floor and proceeded to leak into the basement. It was a mess. We had to pull up our vinyl floor and run fans to dry out the subfloor.

Our kitchen is unusable at the moment, but hopefully we can get everything back up and running soon. Thankfully, we have resources at the library to help us figure out how to repair our kitchen. We often fix things ourselves in our house as a means to save money, and books available at the libraries are a great resource.

Searching through section 643.7 (home repair) in our library collection, one good resource we have is Complete Home Improvement. The book details more than 300 home improvement projects along with 2,000 photos. It includes easy to follow, step-by-step instructions -- and the photos are a big help. We also have “Do-It-Yourself Home Improvement: A Step-By-Step Guide,” which covers everything from small projects to major construction. If you prefer DVDs, you can check out “Dare to Repair: A Do-It-Herself Guide to Home Improvement.”

If you want to pick up a new hobby that involves do-it-yourself work, we have many books on specific types of projects. For example, for wood refinishing check out “Finishing and Refinishing Wood: Techniques and Projects for Fine Wood Finishes.”

For outdoor projects, look for “The Complete Photo Guide to Outdoor Home Improvement: More Than 150 Projects.” And we have many more options. If you have a project you’re looking to complete, stop by the library and we’ll help find a book to help you.

Vacationing? Bring some eBooks

As the summer winds down, many people out there taking their final vacations of the summer. If you’re traveling, remember that you don’t have to weigh your bags down with heavy books. The library has eBooks available for free to use on your tablets, smartphones and other devices. You literally have access to thousands of books anytime of the day – and they only weigh as much as your device.

To find out how to use eBooks, visit the library’s website at and scroll down to the featured services section. Books are available through several services including Overdrive and Hoopla. Both of these services work through a free app that you can install on your device.

You only need your library card number and PIN to get started reading. If you don’t know your PIN, call or drop by the library and we’ll help you.

If you prefer audio books, those are available in digital form as well. OneClick Digital has thousands of digital audiobooks available and digital audiobooks are also available through Hoopla. Check some out and enjoy your vacation – you can even listen to them while you’re driving. If you’re participating in the adult summer reading program, audiobooks count on your reading logs.


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