The next step: VFW to send the packages

Money and care-package donations move onto the next phase.

The rest of the donations and $1,650 Ryan Deutsch raised was given to the Green River VFW Post 2321.

“Well, actually, I thinks it’s pretty descent of him and his mother,” VFW Post 2321 Post Commander Earl McDonald said.

“The VFW has always packaged and shipped the care packages,” Karrie Deutsch said. “In prior years, Ryan has only collected things to fill the boxes and money for the VFW.”

“He’s been very, very good about getting donated stuff together,” McDonald said. “There’s a lot of people just sitting back and not doing much for our troops.”

McDonald said the American Legion and the VFW are always trying to find ways to support the troops. One of the ways to show support is by sending care packages to those who are overseas.

“The VFW are the ones who actually send everything out. They fill out the customs forms, prepare and mail out the care packages to the troops,” Karrie said. “If they get something that can’t be sent over, then they donate it to veterans in need that are here at home.”

Thirty three Wyoming National Guard soldiers are scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan in August. McDonald said the VFW is waiting for the soldiers to be deployed. After they reach their destination, the VFW will start putting the care packages together to be shipped to those soldiers.

Last time the VFW shipped out care packages, it cost them $1,800. Thanks to Deutsch’s money donation the VFW is well on its way to reaching its goal. However, McDonald said the VFW will still need a lot more monetary donations so all of the care packages can be shipped.

“The government doesn’t give us a break on the postage even though we’re sending it to our troops,” McDonald said. “It’s one of those deals where we are constantly looking for donations to help pay shipping costs.”

It costs about $15 per box, however, there has been a price increase and McDonald was not sure how much it will be this year. The VFW is always taking monetary and care-package donations.

He said all the items are stored in a facility until the VFW is ready to use them, then they are put into boxes and shipped. Whatever is leftover will go to veteran hospitals.

Items that go into care packages can include toiletries, dental and sanitary items, puzzles, puzzle books, candies, deodorant and foot powders. He said one thing they can’t ship is shaving cream.

“We can’t ship anything pressurized,” he said.

Anything that is pressurized could explode during elevation changes while its being shipped.

McDonald not only wanted to thank the Deutsch family for all its help, but Monroe Intermediate School and Harrison Elementary School. Both schools put food donation boxes out at the schools, which resulted in a couple of truckloads worth of donations.

Those who would like to give monetary of care-package donations can contact one of the VFW members.


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