Volunteers made the difference

With the help numerous dedicated senior volunteers, the Golden Hour Senior Center was able to pull of a pancake breakfast, flea market and lunch all in one day.

"It was great," GHSC activities director Megan Brown said. "I couldn't have done it without them."

On Saturday morning, the GHSC was open for a public pancake breakfast. During this time, about 100 residents took advantage of the bacon, eggs, sausage and all you can eat pancakes.

"It was nice to see so many families in the community get together for the breakfast," Brown said.

The entire breakfast only cost $4. She said there was a family of eight who decided to eat at the senior center because of the great food and even better price.

"Where else are they going to get all you can eat pancakes for $4," Brown said.

Also taking place was the Flaming Flea Market. With about 20 different tables full of donated goods, flea market visitors were having fun going through all items. In some cases, they were trying to figure out just what some of those items were.

There were also some big-ticket items donated, such as a dining room table and matching chairs, two microwaves and a digital camera. None of the items had prices on them.

"We were just taking donations," Brown said. "We had quite a few very generous donations."

If that wasn't enough, the GHSC was also hosting a bake sale and lunch. All of the proceeds, which came in at about $2,000, go to the senior center.

Also on site were a few vendors who were trying to sell various items.

In the afternoon, the senior center did have 0Native American dancers provide entertainment. Brown said that went over really well; and in the future they will try to have more live entertainment at these events.

All of the left overs from the flea market were donated to the Goodwill. Once again, Brown couldn't thank her volunteers enough for helping out. She said all of them were willing to pack seven cars full of items so they could take all of the items to the Goodwill in one trip.

"I am so thankful to our senior volunteers," she said. "I would have been crazy by the end of the day if I didn't have the help."


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