Kids enjoy Flaming Gorge Days events

Despite the heat, children were still standing in long lines waiting for their turn.

There were several lines. One for a bounce house, another for a slide, one for an obstacle course and another for a pirate ship.

After the children bounced around or went down the slides, they would quickly run back to the end of the line for another go.

After a few times, their faces were starting to get red and they looked as though they were getting tired, but that didn't stop them from running back to the end of the line. Their thought being that by the time they made it through the line again, they would not be as hot.

These were not the only fun activities for children to do at the Festival in the Park, which took place in Evers Park.

Children could also have their faces painted, watch a magician perform, listen to music; and of course eat plenty of goodies.

One popular item to eat this year was the shaved ice, which was no surprise given the warm temperatures.

Children and adults alike were waiting to get their lips on something cold and refreshing on such a hot day.


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