Flea market, picnic planned

The Golden Hour Senior Center is preparing for its Flaming Flea Market, which will take place during Flaming Gorge Days this year.

A pancake breakfast will kick off the event, which will take place Saturday, June 27, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

GHSC activities director Megan Brown said she would like to see a lot of residents show up for the breakfast before the parade starts. She said it would be a good way to start the day. The $4 pancake breakfast, which will take place from 7-10 a.m., will consist of eggs, bacon, sausage and of course all the pancakes a person can eat.

As for the flea market portion of the event, Brown said they are still looking for vendors and more yard-sale donated items.

So far, they have collected about five tables worth of garage-sale type items, but Brown is asking the community for more donations, however, clothes will not be accepted.

“If you had a yard sale and still have items, bring them down,” she said.

Brown said a lot of seniors have donated items to the sale. She said it will be like one big garage sale, in a great location at the same time. Vendor booths are still available and the cost is $15. Vendors are responsible for bringing their own tables and canopies.

She said for $15 a resident could host their own garage sale at the flea market.

Brown said at this point they are struggling to get vendors in.

“I think we are having a problem competing with those down on the island,” she said.

Those looking for homemade treats will definitely want to stop in and check out the cinnamon rolls, turnovers and brownies.

“Our kitchen is doing the bake sale items,” she said. “We have the best cinnamon rolls in the town. I’ve gained like 15 pounds since I started working here.”

Brown said this event is not trying to compete with the other Flaming Gorge Days activities, but only add to those already taking place.

She said those who are looking for a good lunch will want to keep the center in mind. That day they will serve a cheeseburgers, hot dogs, chicken wraps, corn on the cob, potato chips, fruit cups, soda and water for $7.

Brown says they know it may be hard to have the crowd they would like to have with Flaming Gorge Days, but they are hoping it works in their favor.

“We’re hoping it’s not a bust,” Brown said. “We’re hoping people will bounce back and forth between events.”

Those who would like a booth will need to contact the GHSC before Friday, June 26, at 872-3223.

Upcoming picnic

Another big event for the GHSC is its Picnic in the Park, which will take place Wednesday, July 1, at 11 a.m. at Expedition Island.

This event is also open to the public. For $5 for seniors and $6 for anyone under the senior citizen age residents can eat a cheeseburger or hot dog, potato chips, macaroni salad, watermelon, cooking and brownies and a drink.

Those who attend can also play bingo, the dice game center, left, right or the card game 31 for a chance to win prizes. A poker walk will also take place, she said.

“It’s going to be fun,” Brown said. “It’s something our seniors look forward to.”


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