Graduation isn't that special for some

It’s that time of year when students graduate after long journeys through either high school or college.

It’s an important time as youth start their path into adulthood and a new set of burdens to overcome.

A lot of people are excited to graduate and see what the world has in store for them.  Some are scared, as they don’t know what to do.

I could have cared less either way.

While a lot of people were understandably serious about high school graduation day, I was more concerned about having to sit in a hot gym for two hours. The only reason I wore a descent outfit was because my mom made me. It wasn’t that I hated high school, but I didn’t like it either. It just was another day to get through.

I remember how excited people were to get their senior pictures and I just couldn’t share the enthusiasm. People get so excited for the pictures and do elaborate things involving horses, guitars, footballs, and whatever else interests them. I’ve seen them anywhere from by a river, to on a railroad track. I just wanted to have it simple and quick. I don’t think I smiled once in the 500 pictures he took.

The one I used for the yearbook I either look like I’m about to poop or have a really intense secret I need to get out. I’m neither photogenic, nor did I want to be in that studio. I also think the photographer had smoked a big fat joint and it just made things weird. I didn’t want to hear about Deep Purple or corny jokes. I just wanted to go to my room away from the world.

Years later I look back at my time in high school and just don’t share the enthusiasm people might have about reunions or seeing classmates.  I liked a handful of people from school, am glad to see them around town, and that’s about it.

I don’t want a special time to go see the others and have awkward conversations about jobs, kids, and other parts of our lives.

It’s certainly the first path of a new journey, which much like school has its ups and downs.

It may seem like this is more cynical than most of my columns and that’s probably true.  It just wasn’t a time that held as much weight for me as other people.

I wish all those who graduate the best.  Life after school can have some awesome moments to enjoy whatever path you may take. Hopefully you don’t have a weird look on your face in your senior picture.


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