Library offers new digital book a comic service

I truly do love books and reading. At one point in time, however, I was on the fence about eBooks. I liked “real” books, physical books. Now, however, I read more eBooks than physical books. You may wonder what changed, and when it comes down to it, it was convenience. I can read an eBook while using my treadmill. I can take eBooks on vacation without weighing down my bag. I can check out eBooks from anywhere. And, quite frankly, I’ve discovered that I have the same experience reading an eBook as I do reading physical books.

For those of you who love eBooks, or for those who are interested in trying eBooks, the library system has a new option for you. Hoopla, which the library introduced for streaming movies, music and audiobooks last fall, now offers eBooks as well. Hoopla has a nice variety with fiction for kids and adults and a wide selection of nonfiction.

Just as exciting (if not more exciting) is that Hoopla is also offering comic books. So if you enjoy reading comic books, you can now get digital versions through Hoopla and they have options for people of all ages.

What I haven’t mentioned yet is the best part of all of this: all of the eBooks, comic books, streaming movies, music and audiobooks are available for you to check out for free with your library card. You can’t beat that deal. So take the time this week and check out hoopla and see this great service that’s available for library card holders.

Summer Reading

So, I know it’s not Memorial Day yet, but we’re almost to the biggest season of the year for the library system: Summer Reading! This year for summer reading, we are celebrating heroes. For kids, the theme is “Every Hero has a Story.” When they sign up for the program, they will receive a book, a bookmark and a bag. Kids will be encouraged to read at least 1,000 minutes this summer. When they hit the 500-minute mark, they can come in a select a prize. When they hit the 1,000-minute mark, they will receive a book. Kids who complete two 1,000 minute reading logs will be put into a drawing for the $100 grand prize.

The libraries will also have programs throughout the summer. Here in Green River, the summer reading programs will be at 11 a.m. on Wednesdays. Most of the events will be at Expedition Island starting June 3. The library will also have in-library displays and crafts that kids can stop by and see and work to transform themselves into superheroes. The library also will have Story Time at 11 a.m. Tuesdays, and Toddler Time at 11 a.m. Thursdays.

The libraries also have reading programs this summer for young adults and adults. The theme of the young adult program is “Unmask!” Teens can turn in a reading log for every 4 hours they read this summer. With each reading log, they will receive an entry into the prize drawing for $50 gift cards.

Adults are encouraged to “Escape the Ordinary” with their summer reading program. After completing a reading log with five completed books, adults participating the program will receive a water bottle as a finishing prize.

With every completed reading log, adults will receive an entry in the prize basket drawing for their choice. Each library will have two book-themed prize baskets.

Summer reading signups for all age groups start on Tuesday, so don’t forget to stop by your library, signup and spend some time reading this summer.


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