MS walk Saturday

Walk for those who may not be able to walk for themselves.

This is the message those participating in the Walk for Multiple Scleorsis want to get out.

Lorraine Gardea, event participant, said for the first time in 25 years the MS Walk will take place in Green River. The walks always took place in Rock Springs, but after several people with MS participated in the event; and told the organizers the walk was not a good one for those with MS, the location was moved.

The walk is scheduled to take place at Expedition Island Saturday. Registration starts at 9 a.m., the opening ceremony is at 9:45 a.m., and the walk begins at 10 a.m. Donuts, water and coffee will be provided. Plus, there will be snacks along the trail. After the walk, local food trucks will be available for lunch purchases.

“This is what we are so excited about,” she said.

This location is going to be perfect. She said those who want to walk or can only walk a short distance can walk around the Island’s circle route. Those who want to walk more can get on the Greenbelt and go as far as they want.

Gardea started participating in the walks about eight or nine years ago. Her daughter Kimberly Fried was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago.

She has seen first hand just how horrible life with MS can be. For her daughter, MS has caused her problems with mobility and she has a lot of pain. Gardea said for others with MS, they may not be able to walk at all, have problems with vision or have problems grasping something.

“The one thing I am really excited about it this year we are going to have an experience booth,” Gardea said. “You have not idea how a person with MS feel.”

She said for many it is hard to see. One of the booths items will allow a person to try it out.

Also, participants will have the chance to experience what it is like to walk with MS.

They will also learn what it is like to try and pick up an item.

The thing about MS is it impacts each person’s life differently; and there is no cure. All that can be done for someone with MS is to treat the symptoms.

For Fried, life with MS has been hard. Gardea said her daughter is in so much pain that she would basically stay in bed on the weekends. It was almost like she had the flu. The medicine she was on called Avonex wasn’t helping with that. Gardea said it was the medicine that was causing her to feel that way, but it was helping her with her other symptoms.

Gardea said Fried just started a new medicine called Tecsidera and it has completely changed her life.

“She had her weekends back,” Gardea said. “She is no longer laying in bed with flu-like symptoms. This has been a huge, huge change in her life.”

Gardea and her team of about 40 called “Team Fried” are ready for the event. The team already has their T-shirts and are hoping 75 to 100 people will attend the event. That is usual amount to attend. Gardea said she is hoping Rock Springs residents will not feel discouraged by the event’s new location. She is also hoping teams from Evanston will make the journey for the walk.

Gardea said there will also be a silent auction to participate in; and a Facebook photo booth.

“I am not really sure what that is,” she said.

Participants will also have the opportunity to write a message on the MS banner. This banner was designed for people to write what they think life would be like or mean to them if a cure for MS was found.

So far 13 teams have registered for the event. To register or to find a team visit the website


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