Senior pet-project plan created

For many seniors, a pet may be their only companion.

Oftentimes, seniors who have pets will delay taking care of their own needs because their pets need food, medical care or other things, said Jamie Lee, Young at Heart Senior Center’s marketing and special events coordinator.

Lee, who is the Rock Springs AARP Community Advocacy Team chairman, said the benefits of senior pet ownership are endless and include physical, mental and emotional aspects, which is why this project is so important.

There are two components the pet project. The first is education. Local veterinarians will be invited to give noon time talks on pet related topics relevant to seniors.

Lee said the second is a Senior Pet Supply Drive, which will kicks off May 4 and will feature a $2 dinner. There are a limited number of tickets to this event so seniors are encouraged to act quickly.

Bins will be placed in various places around Rock Springs and Green River for a two-week period for the collection process. The items will then be distributed to those seniors in need.

The committee would also like to get the Sweetwater County Commissioners and city councils in both Rock Springs and Green River involved in some capacity. Other ideas that have come up include doing a final event at the Bitter Creek Bark Park in Rock Springs, working in conjunction with the Red Desert Humane Society, and doing a “Caroling for Kibble” event similar to “Caroling for Cans” which is done to get food for the Rock Springs Food Bank.

The seniors being assisted in this project will be filling out a form in order to assess what items they need most.

In addition to the bins, several local businesses and civic organizations have voiced an interest in having their employees participate in this project.

Several local legislators and members of the community have also expressed an interest in the project.

The other critical component to the marketing of this project is the Community Advocacy Team’s many community partners who can assist in all marketing through their agencies.

The committee is reaching out to all agencies who assist seniors. These agencies include oxygen providers, home health agencies, and the United Way. Based on the Adopt a Senior Project Young at Heart Center conducted during Christmas 2014, there is a considerable need for food, toys, and other supplies for their pets. The committee predicts that many people within the community will be touched by this project.

“What started out as a tiny snowflake of an idea has turned into a snowstorm,” Lee said.


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