Notes from Town Square: Main Street helps reinvest in city

Did you know that along with the Wyoming Main Street Program, Green River is celebrating 10 years as a Certified Main Street Community?

Are you aware that as a result of the efforts of our Main Street Program and volunteers, every dollar that is spent revitalizing the downtown spurs an additional $9.07 reinvestment? Statewide, the overall reinvestment rate is that for every dollar spent, $5.79 is reinvested.

The Green River URA/Main Street Agency’s mission is to create a vibrant downtown and riverfront that is attractive and encourages economic development while preserving the historical character.

What does this mean? It means that our purpose is to make our downtown attractive to businesses and to our residents and visitors. One strategy we utilize to accomplish making our downtown more inviting is our Façade Renovation Matching Grant program.

Anyone that owns a business within the Main Street District may apply for a matching grant to update your façade. It is a reimbursement grant that requires at least a 50 percent match from the applicant. Up to $3,000 can be awarded and is based on available funds. This program is funded by a variety of fundraising activities and events that are planned, manned and ran by URA/Main Street volunteers.

Speaking of volunteers, did you know April is also National Volunteer Appreciation Month?

Green River has a lot to appreciate about our Main Street volunteers. Since 2005, Green River has logged more than 14,900 volunteer hours for the Main Street program. Those hours are spent planning and managing events such as the Farmers’ Market, Trunk or Treat and Santa’s Arrival.

Main Street is a volunteer driven organization, so it goes without saying that this program literally would not exist if we did not have so many dedicated individuals.

Over the next year, the Green River URA/Main Street Agency is going to increase the number of special events as well as fundraising activities.

Look for a volunteer appreciation dinner in May and come see us at our booth at Flaming Gorge Days!

If you would like to volunteer, or if you are interested in learning about the program, please contact Jennie Melvin, URA/Main Street Administrator at 307.872.6141, or


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