Grapplers strong across the West

The Green River Grapplers have been busy on the mat, with impressive showings at tournaments across the Rocky Mountain region.

Two weeks ago the team had wrestlers at five tournaments in three states.


Intermountain Warrior

(Pocatello, Idaho)

1. Thomas Dalton

4. Sefton Douglas

4. Tainui Kellner

Pleasant Grove, Utah

3. Dom Martinez (Folkstyle)

4. Martinez (Freestyle)

4. Eric Clingenpeel (Freestyle and Folkstyle)


2. Oliver Wisniewski

Wright, Wyo.

2. Wisniewski

Bridger Valley

2. Darris Todd (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

1. Brennyn Clark (Folkstyle)

3. Cooper Wright (Folkstyle)

2. Garret York (Freestyle)

4. York (Folkstyle)

4. Coin Lee (Folkstyle)

1. Tavin Vendetti (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

3. Weston Green

1. Bentley Flanders (Freestyle)

2. Fladners (Folkstyle)

2. Corwin Paoli (Folkstyle)

3. Paoli (Freestyle)

4. Haidyn Moody (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

1. Korbin Nielson (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

1. Keenan Hamel (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

4. Emily Ackerman (Greco)

6. Ackerman (Folkstyle, Freestyle)

3. Maliki Punches (Greco, Freestyle)

5. Punches (Folkstyle)

2. Jeramiah Musbach (Greco)

4. Musbach (Folkstyle)

5. Musbach (Freestyle)

1. Jakob Lloyd (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

2. Lloyd (Greco)

3. John O Lake (Folkstyle)

2. Connor Brady (Greco, Freestyle, Folkstyle)

3. Gabriel Montoya (Greco)

5. Montoya (Fokstyle)

6. Montoya (Freestyle)

1. Lucas Todd (Greco)

3. Todd (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

3. Kaleb Gunter (Greco)

4. Gunter (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

2. Christian Lee (Folkstyle)

4. Lee (Freestyle)

5. Lee (Greco)

1. Conner Todd (Freestyle)

3. Todd (Greco, Folkstyle)

2. Conner Smith (Greco, Freestyle)

6. Zach Dalton (Greco)

2. Jacob Cook (Folkstyle)

4. Cook (Greco, Freestyle)

1. Lane Maes (Greco)

4. Spencer Wright (Greco)

5. Christian Balzly (Greco)

1. Jayce Stewart (Freestyle, Folkstyle)

3. Stewart (Greco)

1. Hunter Davis (Greco, Freestyle, Folkstyle)

1. Tyler Waters (Greco, Freestyle, Folkstyle)

3. Ethan Guzman (Greco)

1. Kaden Eastman (Greco, Freestyle, Folkstyle)

1. Trevor Scicluna (Greco, Freestyle, Folkstyle)

1. Kaden Lloyd (Greco, Freestyle, Folkstyle)


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