Three letters define amazing tournament victory


Those three letters represent exactly what is great about the University of Wyoming basketball program.

From the time Larry Shyatt took over the program four-years ago he preached to everyone that would listen that his team was all about -- aggressiveness, discipline and unselfishness (ADU).

Last Saturday, the state got to see the culmination of four hard years of work and never straying from those three letters that mean so much the players, coaches, and fans.

With a 45-43 win over San Diego State in the Mountain West Conference Tournament final, Wyoming was able to qualify for their first NCAA Tournament bid since 2002. The victory capped a thrilling three-day run in the tournament for Wyoming that caught the attention of even the most casual fan across the state, and left the heart condition of die-hard fans in dire condition with three down-to-the-wire victories.

In each three of the victories, they were able to do it by playing aggressive, especially on the defense end where on Saturday they made the Aztecs look lost throughout most of the game. They were able to do it with discipline. In Saturday’s championship win, they were able to get the win with just one turnover in the second half against a difficult press. They did it Saturday by playing an unselfish style. After senior star Larry Nance Jr. started out the game in impressive fashion, numerous Pokes stepped up and were able to hit key buckets or free throws, and play a suffocating defense that was amazing to watch.

Even after a rough 12-minute stretch where they were unable to score on offense, they didn’t let it get to their heads. They stayed calm and kept themselves in the game on defense before Josh Adams, Riley Grabau, Charles Hankerson Jr., Derek Cook Jr., and others all played a roll in victory.

When Shyatt took over the program their was high hope and fans were excited about ADU and what it would mean.

Many people believed that he would be able to turn around the program in a hurry and an NCAA bid would come sooner than later.

No one expected it to take this long. But based on the condition his predecessor Heath Schroyer left the program and some bad luck it took four years.

Never during this time did the program or team abandon what makes ADU special.

Even when their best player Nance Jr. went down late last season with a severe knee injury, a team believing in ADU never strayed from the path.

While Saturday was the most fun I’ve had watching the end of a Wyoming game in over a decade, it’s been fun to watch Shyatt build this program and I’m proud of what he’s accomplished.

The University of Wyoming teams mean so much to the people of this state. We only have one University and they represent all of us.

What better way to do it than with ADU.

Good luck later this week Pokes, no matter if you win or lose, we are proud of you.


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