Driving around in my invisible vehicle

Lately, I have been starting to wonder if I have an invisible car.

You see, it started with one of my coworkers telling me about how many close calls she has had with people running into her when she drives her big, green, pickup truck. It seems like when she is driving that particular truck she almost gets hit, almost like people cannot see her. We started calling that truck the invisible truck.

After a couple of close calls with people almost running into me, I started to wonder if I too have an invisible car or if that invisibility can transfer to another car. I envision it working something like Harry Potter’s cloak of invisibility. If you put the cloak on you disappear, but if you take it off you reappear.

Although I have had a couple of close calls since owning my vehicle for about two years, I never really gave this invisible car theory much thought. That is, until last week.

I was driving home from work with my two-year-old and five-year-old sons in the car. We were taking the same route we normally do, when I noticed traffic was backing up and it would have taken me forever to make a left-hand turn. I knew if I just went up another block I could make the same left turn with ease. So, that is exactly what I did.

The plan worked perfectly.

I made my turn; and then noticed a vehicle seemed to be flying down the side street. I say flying, but to be honest the car was only going about 20 mph. Being the good defensive driver, I started to slow down. Even with my quick response time, I still had to slam on the brakes at the last second so I could stop while this tan, truck blew through a stop sign narrowly missing my car. The truck could not have been more than a couple of feet away, which to me was way closer than my comfort zone allowed.

I honked my horn; and I think I shook my hand at the person driving the vehicle. I also, apparently said a “bad word,” which my two-year-old pointed out. I did not even recall spouting off a bad word, but considering the circumstances I was not surprised that I did.

I told my son I was sorry for saying the bad word; and even though I do not know what it was I said there was no way I was going to ask him to repeat it. He responded with a “You shouldn’t say bad words mama.” I agreed; and explained to him we were almost hit by a truck, but all he cared about was the bad word.

Meanwhile, my five-year-old was asking why that truck didn’t stop at the stop sign like it was supposed to.

“I don’t know,” I said.

I laughed at this. Even my five-year-old son knows you stop at a stop sign. I was just thankful we did not get hit, but then as I drove the rest of the way home I started to wonder if I had in fact had bought an invisible car a couple years ago.

Hmm. I guess that question will answer itself in the upcoming years.


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