Sweatheart dance well attended

After a nice dinner, those attending the Golden Hour Senior Center's Sweetheart Ball made their way to the dance floor.

As some were dancing to oldies played by "The Late Boomers" of Evanston, others took advantage of seeing old friends and socialized.

GHSC activities coordinator Megan Brown said the GHSC hosts a dance once a month from September through May. The dinner and dance nights bring in anywhere from 70 to 120 people, she said. This all depends on the time of the year and what is being served for dinner.

"We had a great turnout so we were really happy," Brown said.

The event, which was open to the public, was called the Sweetheart Ball. However, Brown said residents were encouraged to bring their friends of family members if they did not have a sweetheart.

Brown said the ball attendees enjoyed the music, which included songs from Johnny Cash and other country classics.

"We are going to have them back in April at the April dance," she said.

Volunteers from Mansface Church were on hand to help serve the dinner.

Even though the dances are popular, there will not be a dance in March because the center is going to host the lethal luau dinner theater. Brown said actors and actresses from Actors Mission will perform at the murder mystery dinner. Last year, this event went over so well, that the GHSC decided to bring it back. Students from the Green River High School theater department will help serve the dinner and watch the show. Brown said the theater students will also have the chance to ask actors from Actors Mission questions about their performance.

On Thursday, April 2, the GHSC will host a volunteer lunch for all of the volunteers who make the senior center events possible. She said Green River Mayor Pete Rust will speak to the volunteers. This lunch is set to take place on a day when there is no school so all school-aged volunteers can attend.


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