Resident will speak at Mayor's Leadership Awards

Dustin Shillcox, a Green River resident who serves as an ambassador for the Christopher Reeves Foundation will speak at the annual Mayor’s Leadership Awards next Wednesday at the Sweetwater County Events Complex.

Shillcox was injured in a vehicle crash Aug. 26, 2010, when the business van he drove blew a tire out and travelled into the cable median on Interstate 80 outside of Rock Springs. The van flipped during the crash, ejecting Shillcox from his seat and resulted in Shillcox being paralyzed from the chest down. In 2013, Shillcox received an epidural stimulator implant that has allowed him to resume an active outdoor lifestyle with his family. Shilcox joins mayors Pete Rust and Carl Demshar at the awards breakfast, which is hosted by NOWCAP Services. Tickets can be purchased from the Rock Springs and Green River chambers of commerce and through NOWCAP.


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